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The Prayer of the Presence of God

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 The Prayer of the Presence of God
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The Prayer of the Presence of God​ - Dom Augustin Guillerand

For nearly a thousand years, monks of the Carthusian Order have withdrawn from the world so they can place themselves in the presence of God. Alone in their cells, they pray, work, and take their meals, freed from worldly distractions and the cacophony of thoughts that course through your mind and mine, when, at the end of busy days, we finally kneel down to pray. A thousand years silence has enabled the Carthusians to perfect a way of praying suited for the cloister, but it is right for those of us whose obligations force us to work and pray in the rush and hurry of the world. In these pages, the monk Augustin Guillerand reveals the secret of the Carthusians remarkable prayer of the presence of God.

Obviously, this way of praying excludes quick Our Fathers and hasty Hail Marys, but it requires that we do more than pause and say our prayers slowly. In fact, the Carthusians know that the prayer of the presence of God isnt primarily a question of speed . . . or even of speech. Like love, its not so much a deed as an attitude a habit of tranquil listening that allows God to enter our souls by all paths and to establish His presence there. Failure to listen poisons love in marriages; and failure to listen poisons love of God. Thats why the prayer of the presence of God is essential not just for monks, but for all of us, no matter what our circumstances may be. Yet how can we listen in a way that allows God to enter our souls? How can we even hear Him in the noise of our days and ways? A thousand years of Carthusian experience provide sure answers to these questions. Though this is no step by step manual (listening cant be reduced to steps), youll learn where you must begin and how to proceed if youre finally to bring to maturity in your own soul the habit of tranquil listening thats essential for all those who would know God and love Him as they ought. 

192 pages
Code: 124
ISBN-13: 9781933184128 

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Model: 124

ISBN: 9781933184128

 The Prayer of the Presence of God
 The Prayer of the Presence of God
 The Prayer of the Presence of God
 The Prayer of the Presence of God
 The Prayer of the Presence of God
 The Prayer of the Presence of God

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