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Adventures in Orthodoxy |
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Adventures in Orthodoxy - Dwight Longenecker
Christians often find the Creed as tedious as a contract, and orthodoxy dull as dirt. In these lively pages (written for Christians and non-Christians alike) Dwight Longenecker shows that, on the contrary, orthodoxy is exciting and the Creed the beginning of a grand, mysterious adventure! Longenecker demonstrates that, like an ornate cathedral rich with endless nuances of light and shade, the Creed teases with paradoxical possibilities; It bursts with magnificent meaning and unexpected, eternal insights. It sweeps away nihilism, challenges indifference, and uproots religion grown stale and pedestrian. In a word, says Longenecker, the Creed catapults believers to the brink of mystery and invites them to dwell there, in silent wonder and contemplation. Here you'll finally encounter the Creed as it really is: A striking affirmation that bears us not into theological dead ends, but unto a world that never ends; Not into an obsolete medieval universe (closed, dark, and dying) but unto a bright and exciting world that moves in ever increasing spirals of glory, a world to which the only natural response is a grateful and hearty Amen!
Here is Catholic orthodoxy, as heavy as the universe, made to dance like the universe. Reading this is like coming upon old Augustine dressed up like St. Francis. We may have another Chesterton coming along here!
-Thomas Howard, author, Splendor in the Ordinary
In this exciting book, Longenecker follows in the imaginative footsteps of Chesterton and Lewis. He sees and seizes the thrill of truth with insights of pyrotechnic brilliance. He shows us that orthodoxy is dynamic and thrilling. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!
-Joseph Pearce, author, Tolkien: Man and Myth
Dwight Longenecker was brought up an Evangelical, studied at fundamentalist Bob Jones University, and later was ordained as an Anglican priest in England. After ten years in the Anglican ministry as a curate, a chaplain at Cambridge, and a country parson, in 1995 Dwight was received into full communion with the Catholic Church. He has published in numerous religious magazines and papers in the UK, Ireland, and the USA, writing on film and theology, apologetics, -Biblical commentary and Catholic culture.
Toll free: 1 (800) 663-7161
192 pages
Code: 660
ISBN-13: 9781928832669
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