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Aquinas's Shorter Summa: Saint Thomas's Own Concise Version - St. Thomas Aquinas
From the Church's greatest theologian: The essentials of Catholic doctrine clearly and succinctly presented. Two years before he died, St. Thomas Aquinas (probably the greatest teacher the Church has ever known) was asked by his assistant, Brother Reginald, to write a simple summary of the Faith of the Catholic Church for those who lacked the time or the stamina to tackle his massive Summa Theologica. In response, the great saint quickly set down (in language that non-scholars can understand) his peerless insights into the major topics of theology: The Trinity, Divine Providence, the Incarnation of Christ, the Last Judgment, and much more. Here, then, is not only St. Thomas's concise statement of the key elements of his thought, but a handy reference source for the essential truths of the Catholic Faith.
St. Thomas will show you:
-Why faith is reasonable, not blind,
-Why evil can never be as powerful as good,
-Solid arguments for Christ's Resurrection,
-Powerful arguments for God's existence,
-Why angels are necessary in creation,
-How Adam's sin differed from Eve,
-Why Jesus descended into Hell,
-Why we must suffer for Adam's sin,
-Why the truths that you can know only,
-Through Revelation are nevertheless rational,
-Startling details about God's forgiveness,
-Facts about the punishment of the damned: both spiritual and bodily,
-How a soul's damnation can be compatible with God's goodness,
-What Christians should think about fate and chance,
-What life after resurrection will be like,
-Three ways in which God is in all things,
-Eternal life: what it is; how to understand it,
-How you can know God through reason,
-Hell-fire: whether it's real or symbolic,
-Why God became man,
-Why God allows evil,
-How Jesus grew in wisdom,
-How Christ can have existed for all eternity and yet be God's Son,
-The Beatific Vision: what it really is,
-Why God's knowledge of the future doesn't deny man's free will,
-How the Holy Trinity is three distinct Persons, yet one God,
-Much more that will help you know and love God with greater understanding!
'A gem, a precious pearl, a masterpiece!
-Peter Kreeft: Author, Fundamentals of the Faith
'Thomas Aquinas at his clearest and best. A treasure.
-Ralph McInerny: Author, First Glance at Thomas Aquinas: A Handbook for Peeping Thomists
'An invaluable introduction to all of St. Thomas's wisdom and insight.
-Edward Cardinal Egan: Archbishop of New York
432 pgs, ppbk
Code: 431
ISBN-13: 9781928832430
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ISBN: 9781928832430