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The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation

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SKU#: 337-512

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The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation​ - Hilda Graef

Overcome the spiritual pitfalls and temptations that most often afflict serious Catholics. Its a common but unrecognized problem: Without even realizing it, you may have allowed your spiritual life to be distracted and diverted by practices and assumptions which are in fact foreign to authentic faith. Thats why you need Hilda Graefs Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation. In it, she gives you positive ways to avoid pitfalls and build your spiritual life on the solid rock of truth. Its deceptively easy (especially for committed Catholics) to fall into these spiritual traps. You may become frustrated and let your efforts to follow Christ fall by the wayside because you think that your prayers and devotions should make you feel a certain way, and they don't. Or you may take something as an answer to prayer simply because it came to you after your prayer, even though it brings trouble and difficulty into your life. Graef details here how quickly you can succumb to sinful habits of injustice, pride, lack of charity, and many others without even recognizing its happening. Graef, an internationally respected Catholic author, here gives you the spiritual resources you need to clear away these and other road blocks to your spiritual progress. She shows you how to use common sense in your approach to faith while remaining loyal to the Churchs teaching in its fullness. A positive program for commonsense faith.

This book does not just show you how to avoid spiritual traps. It sketches out a comprehensive program for your ongoing spiritual development. Graef details how you can grow closer to God by being faithful to your everyday duties; how you can make your work a means to holiness (even if you hate your job); how you can grow holier even through recreation; how to center your spiritual life on the Mass; and much more. She even gives you valuable secrets of how you can jump-start your prayer time when you find your prayers stale and dispiriting. Beware: The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation compels you to examine  But if youre willing to take a hard look at your spiritual life and do what’s necessary to become more faithful to Christ, you will find a tremendous amount of help here.

Hilda Graef brings much clarity to important spiritual issues of serious concern to spiritual travelers on the journey to God. You can learn much from this book about prayer and the life of the spirit.
-Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR, author, The Journey Toward God

Traditional, tried-and-true Catholic wisdom:solid, safe, and sane. A book that lives up to its title.
-Peter Kreeft, author, Prayer for Beginners

Bring common sense to your faith life as you learn: Why it can be dangerous for you to base your faith on the miraculous. Your motives: Are they really pure? Four things you can use to purify them. A powerful means of sanctification thats available to you now although most people ignore it (are you one of them?). The words you must say to God even if it breaks your heart to say them. How you should react when your priest deviates from the way he should say Mass. Hints from the saints on how you can truly make prayer the center of your life. The one thing that St. Thérèse named as an indispensable condition for any spiritual progress. Do you even know what it is? How you can make sufficient time for God even in the midst of your busy life. Why the saints valued suffering and why (despite everything) you should, too. The Christian life: A joyless life of repression? Why (and how) you mustfight against this widespread caricature. Why you must be well versed in theology even if youre not a theologian. Do you have a spiritual director? Why you should strongly consider getting one. The simple secret that will help you begin to pray better immediately. Plus much more to help you found your spiritual life on sound Catholic principles that will lead you to true holiness.

Hilda Graef (1907-1970) was a German of Jewish and Protestant ancestry. By Gods grace, she found her way into the Catholic Church after years of atheism. During World War II she escaped from Hitlers thugs and lived a precarious existence in a London attic that she described as frequently shaken by bombs. From this attic, Graef wrote many books, including The Way of the Mystics and a biography of St. Edith Stein. Hilda Graef had a keen ability to find God and to lead others to find Him not only in advanced states of prayer and profound doctrines, but in the ordinary things of everyday life. 

208 pages
Code: 512
ISBN-13: 9781928832515 

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ISBN: 9781928832515

 The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation
 The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation
 The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation
 The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation
 The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation
 The Commonsense Book of Catholic Prayer and Meditation

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