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Humility: Wellspring of Virtue |
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Dietrich Von Hildebrand
Of all sins, pride is the most dangerous . . . and the most sorrowful: It cuts you off from God, estranges you from others, and leaves you lost and unhappy. These pages show you how to drive pride from your soul. You'll learn to recognize its many forms (including some that masquerade as virtue), and you'll come to see just why they're such barriers to happiness and to holiness. You'll discover the incredible strength of humility, the only virtue that has the power to expel every vestige of pride from your soul. These pages will help you to begin experiencing the joys of humility today.
You'll Learn
How humility breaks the back of every form of pride, Why it is impossible to grow spiritually without humility, Why humility is a form of strength not weakness (as many falsely believe), How humility enables you to acknowledge even your gravest sins without despairing, How humility helps you to see the world clearly, and to love all things in it with greater intensity, How humility allows you to experience the consolation of God's loving embrace, Why only humility ensures true freedom, How humility enables you to see God not as a vague presence, but as a Person who knows and loves you, How humility helps you to see the dignity of every person (even the dignity of those you're tempted to scorn), How humility lets you hear God calling you personally to life with Him, Why you best imitate Christ, Mary, and the saints by striving for humility,
And much more!
A magnificent treatise by a distinguished philosopher on the pursuit of spiritual perfection.
-Publishers Weekly
A work of inherent excellence.
-Catholic World
Clear, succinct thinking and warmth of soul.
-Theological Studies
Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977) is a world enowned author of dozens of books of philosophy and spirituality. Truth, goodness, and holy beauty are the hallmarks of all of his works. Hildebrand's passionate concern with the nature and dignity of the human person, which led him to convert to Catholicism in 1914, is revealed in the pages of Humility.
120 pages
Code: 59X
ISBN-13: 9780918477590
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