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The Encyclopedia of Saints

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 The Encyclopedia of Saints
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Price: USD$24.95
SKU#: 020-9780816041343

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The Encyclopedia of Saints​ - Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Prior to his religious conversion, St. Francis of Assisi was reputedly a liar, thief, and virtual madman known for running naked in the street. St. Teresa of Avila postponed her death through the intercesssion of her patron saint. St. Augustine converted after a terrifying dream in which God beat him severely for his pagan beliefs. The Encyclopedia of Saints is the only comprehensive, single volume reference to the fascinating lives of holy men and women of the Catholic and ORthodox Churches. Drawing on extensive research, this volume offers detailed accounts of the lives and experiences of more than 400 principal saints, from early martyrs such as Lucy of Syracuse to recently canonized saints such as Katherine Drexel. Entries provide a biographical overview, a record of the saint's religious journeys and mystical experiences, a discussion of personal philosophies and important theological influences, as well as his or her patronage, feast days and popular role within the Church.

Entries include
Blessed Andre Bessette, Catherine of Sweden, Anselm, Elizabeth Ann Seton, John of the Cross, Rose of Lima,Thomas Aquinas, Blessed Padre Pio, Jerome. Extensive appendices include information on patron saints by topic, a calendar of feast days, beatified and canonized popes, an explanation of the canonization process, a glossary of terms and a glossary of heresies. The Encyclopedia of Saints brings to light both the religious heroism and colorful, little known facts for the lives of saints for a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of sainthood.  

Supplier: Checkmark Books
419 pages
Size: 8 1/2" x 11"
ISBN-13: 9780816041343    

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 The Encyclopedia of Saints
 The Encyclopedia of Saints
 The Encyclopedia of Saints
 The Encyclopedia of Saints
 The Encyclopedia of Saints
 The Encyclopedia of Saints

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