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Citadel of God: A Novel About Saint Benedict - Louis de Wohl: Cover art by Chris Pelicano
The streets of Rome are crowded as Theoderich, the "barbarian" Gothic king, makes his triumphal entry into the conquered city. Suddenly a boy rushes into the street and attempts to stab the king with his stylus. Kicked aside by the king's guard, he is rescued and carried to safety by a young man. The boy is Peter, adopted son of the noble Roman philosopher, Boethius. His rescuer is Benedictus, a student, who becomes Peter's tutor, and tries to curb the boy's reckless determination to succeed at all costs. So begins this vivid story which follows Benedictus through a disillusioning experience with a beautiful woman of Rome, his years as a hermit and his work in establihing religous communities that were truly citadels of God in the decadence of sixth century Rome. Peter, meanwhile, has dedicated himself to overthrowing the Goths--partly to further his own ambition and partly to win the beautiful Rsticiana, who has promised to marry him if he succeeds.
Sweeping from Rome to Ravenna, Byzantium and Monte Cassino, the story reaches its climax in a damatic fulfillment of Benedictus's long-ago promise to Peter: 'We shall meet again when you need me." Here, as in all his novels about great saints of the CHurch, Louis de Wohl weaves an intricate colorful tapestry of violence, love and piety to tell with historical accuracy the story of St. Benedict, the father of Western monasticism, and the tempestuous era in which he lived. Since there are no contemporary biographies of this major saint of history and the Church, de Wohl's inspired account is of significant importance on the subject of saint's lives for today's spiritual seekers. Having lived in an era of great immorality and vice, not unlike our world today, Benedict's story has a strong message for modern Christians who seek, as he did, to turn away from the wickedness of the world to find Christ in prayer, study and solitude.
Product Code: COGP
Format: Paperback
ISBN/UPC: 9780898704044
Height: 8
Size: 5.3 x 1.1
Pages: 345
Publication date: March 04, 1994
Weight: 15.6 oz
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Model: COGP
ISBN: 9780898704044
Price Last Updated: May 14, 2019