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Fighting Back: Living Life Beyond Ourselves - DEENA BURNETT
In this timely and inspiring book by Deena Burnett, the widow of 9-11 victim and Flight 93 hero, Thomas Burnett, Deena tells the story of how she fought back to find purpose and joy in life again after her beloved husband was killed in that terrifying plane crash on that fateful day. Her story demonstrates how each of us can move forward through the hardships and challenges of life, and how we can be renewed through our own suffering, the inspiration of others, and the grace of God to have a positive impact on our society. Deena recalls the incredible details of that horrific 9-11 day, the famous four cell phone calls from her husband on that plane, his quick assessment of the alarming situation and his decision to "do something". Burnett became the ringleader of that brave group of men who fought the terrorists and tried to regain control of the plane before its crash in the fields of Pennsylvania.
Deena goes on to tell the story of Tom's life, showing how he was an ordinary American who was deeply patriotic, a good athlete, a loving father and devoted husband, successful businessman, a leader among his peers, and a devout Catholic and communicant at daily Mass. Drawing strength from the memory of Tom's love, courage, and deep faith, Deena tells about all the challenges that happened to her and her young children in the days, months and years after that devastating day, and how she was able to rise from her own darkness to be renewed in purpose and joy again, and compelled by Tom's words to "do something". She shows us how to look at our own lives to make the choices we need to make to be transformed into everyday heroes, thereby changing the world through our daily actions. This is a story of love, suffering, sacrifice and rebirth. Illustrated.
Length: 250 pages
Edition: paperback
Code: FBP
ISBN-13: 9781597550376
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Model: FBP
ISBN: 9781597550376