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Catholic Customs & Traditions: A Popular Guide: Revised and Updated |
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Catholic Customs & Traditions: A Popular Guide: Revised and Updated - Greg Dues
From Candlemas to the Easter candle, through relics, and much more, author Greg Dues traces the richness of the Roman Catholic experience. Here is a book that belongs in every Catholic home, parish, and school library. From Candlemas to the Easter candle, through relics, Mary, the saints, indulgences, the rosary, mystagogia, feast days, laying on of hands, and much more, Greg Dues presents the richness of Roman Catholic heritage. The author covers practical areas such as sacraments and sacramentals, ordinary time and the Sunday assembly. Presented in a clear and engaging manner with well research historical and theological grounding, this is a timely and useful resource for anyone with interest in the history and traditions of the Church.
Greg Dues has over 35 years experience in pastoral and education ministry. He presents workshops and retreats for lay ministers, and is an adjunct faculty member of Loyola University, New Orleans. Dues is the author of numerous books, including Called to Parish Ministry (with Barbara Walkey).
224 pages
Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
ISBN-13: 9780896225152
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