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A Challenging Reform: Realizing the Vision of the Liturgical Renewal |
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A Challenging Reform: Realizing the Vision of the Liturgical Renewal - Archbishop Piero Marini
In these pages Archbishop Piero Marini reveals the vision, courage, and faith of the pastors and scholars who struggled to implement the Second Vatican Council's teachings on the liturgy. While in some circles it is fashionable to propose a reform of the liturgical reform, any such revision needs to take into account the history of the consilium the organism established by the Holy See to carry out the initial liturgical changes. This story of the work of the consilium offers a fascinating glimpse into the struggles and tensions that accompanied the realization of the council's dream to promote the "full, conscious and active participation" of the faithful in Roman Catholic worship.
Piero Marini was ordained on June 27, 1965. He became the personal secretary for Archbishop Annibale Bugnini in 1975 and in 1982 was appointed the head of the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, a position he currently holds. In 1998, Marini was appointed Titular Bishop of Martirano, Italy, and was ordained bishop the following month. In 2003, Marini was appointed Titular Archbishop of Martirano. He serves as the Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations.
"Archbishop Piero Marini has produced a work of considerable merit and importance. His title, A Challenging Reform: Realizing the Vision of the Liturgical Renewal. With remarkable objectivity he chronicles in meticulous detail the stages of development of the liturgical reform set in motion by Vatican II. . . . It is very impressive to see in this account the great care with which the whole enterprise was conducted. Clearly it was carried out with the kind of organizational skill and discipline which marks the highest kind of scholarship. . . . Archbishop Marini has written a valuable work. More important, he has lived the ideals of the Church."
-Archbishop John R. Quinn
"The reform of worship in the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council has from the start engaged a whole series of dynamics: between papal primacy, curial supervision, and Episcopal collegiality; between the maintenance of orthodoxy and the promotion of renewal; between historical scholarship and pastoral practice; between universal communicability and cultural variety. The stakes are high because, in the words of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the liturgy constitutes the source and summit of the Church's life, while the post-conciliar reform, in the words of this book, is to be reckoned one of the greatest liturgical reforms in the history of the Western Church. Here we are given an inside look with personal and documentary detail at the early stages of this process: author Archbishop Piero Marini, since 1987 Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations, served as a young priest in the secretariat of the Concilium for Implementing the Constitution on the Liturgy and then in the Congregation for Divine Worship. Among the services rendered by this important book is the abundant tribute paid to the energy and skills of Annibale Bugnini, a key figure on the official Roman scene until 1975. "
-Geoffrey Wainwright, Duke University
"Without a doubt, the most profound result of the Second Vatican Council has been the liturgical renewal based on Sacrosanctum concilium. This has been especially evident in the use of the vernacular and the simplification of the rites for Mass. But those very issues have also been at the heart of numerous disputes within the Church. Many of those arguments, however, do not reflect a great intelligence in grasping the fundamental insights of the liturgical renewal that was built upon the foundations of the pre-Conciliar liturgical movement. In this book A Challenging Reform: Realizing the Vision of Liturgical Renewal Archbishop Piero Marini offers wisdom and an informed perspective as we try to better understand the Council's liturgical renewal and the ongoing task of its implementation. Therefore I am grateful to Archbishop Marini for what he offers us in these pages. I hope that many, through the reading of this book, will discover the inspiration that drove the liturgists in their work before Vatican II and that continues to drive the liturgists of our own day in their dedication and devotion to the service of the Church and its liturgy. Their efforts have always been characterized by a great respect for the tradition and for the celebration of the mystery of God's love for us. Without this the realization of the liturgical renewal would be impossible. "
-Godfried Cardinal Danneels, Archbishop of Malines-Bruxelles
216 pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Code: 3035
ISBN: 9780814630358
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