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Parables of the Kingdom: Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition |
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Parables of the Kingdom: Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition - Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan
Do you not understand this parable? is a question Jesus posed to his disciples (Mark 4:13). Just as the first disciples often did not understand Jesus many parables, so it is for listeners and readers nearly two thousand years later. In Parables of the Kingdom, Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan helps readers to hear and see and understand the parables of Jesus. She offers a general introduction to the use of parables in the life and ministry of Jesus and the early church. In addition, Getty-Sullivan helps readers learn to interpret parables, to enter into what the parables can reveal about Jesus and his audience, about the evangelists and their communities, and about how we are to understand the Kingdom of God today. Parables of the Kingdom helps us hear and see Jesus parables with new eyes and renewed hearts thereby allowing the parables to transform our lives and help us respond with new conviction to the gospels power in our world.
Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan holds an S.T.D. from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. She has been teaching New Testament courses in colleges and seminaries for more than thirty years and has recently retired from teaching full time to devote more time to writing and lecturing. Mary Ann has written several commentaries on the Letters of Saint Paul. Her recent books include Women in the New Testament published by Liturgical Press.
"This work is clear, informative, and inspirational. Beginners will enjoy its many insights into Jesus parables. Even old pros in parable interpretation will learn a new lesson or two and have their hearts warmed to know Jesus more fully and follow him more faithfully."
-Robert Karris, O.F.M., The Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University
"In Parables of the Kingdom Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan demonstrates how the parables of Jesus, which use ordinary people, events and things, draw the reader to the deepest heart of the Gospels: the revelation of Jesus Christ (Christology) and what it means to follow him (discipleship). She gives the reader a thorough view of Jesus ministry and mission in this scholarly and clear to follow, in depth and intriguing presentation. Deliberate attention to the details of each parable heightens not only the readers understanding of the Scripture, but excites the imagination as well. One is invited into the world of the parables and thereby, into the world of Jesus. This motivates the reader to come to know Christ anew, once again, and to take up the challenge to follow him by recognizing the possibilities of the Kingdom of God in every day life."
-Maureen Crossen, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Theology Department Chair, Carlow University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pages: 281
Size: 6" x 9"
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Toll free: 1 (800) 663-7161 Model: 629932 ISBN: 9780814629932 Price Last Updated: Aug 10, 2020
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