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Butler's Lives of the Saints: New Concise Edition |
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Butler's Lives of the Saints: New Concise Edition - Paul Burns
Saints belong to the whole history of the Church but are especially visible today. One of the most visible legacies of the papacy of John Paul II has been the acceleration and multiplication of processes of beatification and canonization, mainly of figures from the recent past--martyrs under Nazism and Communism, for example. They reflect the new universality of the Church, including more men and--increasingly, with belated justice--women from the new World and the Third World. These trends are reflected in this volume. It provides a fresh consideration of one saint or blessed for daily reading, selected mainly from among the 2,500 included in the new full edition of Butler's Lives of the Saints published in 1995-2000--with a few even more recent examples. The aim is to give a simple, factual presentation of flesh and blood figures.
This is seen as the most truly 'devotional' apprach, drawing on Alban Butler's original insight in presenting saints as examples rather than intercessors: 'In the lives of the saints we see the most perfect maxims of the gospel reduced to practice.'. This is indeed true: If the saints and the blesseds collected here share one overarching characteristic it is to have put their love of God to work for their fellow men and women as they saw fit--through austerity of life, contemplative prayer, or myriad embodiments of what we would now call social work. They are holy examples to us because they lived and died for others, for us. Completely re-written in a popular style, this volume has more "spiritual" appeal than the full edition. A prayer and intercessory reflection is included after each entry, which lend themselves to family or small group meditation as well as to individual devotion. The volume suggests baptismal/confirmation names for the day's commemorations or for inclusion in prayers.
"This work is a classic. It is indispensable for all libraries of religion. It is recommended for all parish, school (elementary, middle, or high), college, university, seminary, monastery, convent, and public libraries. It is the only one of its kind. No Catholic library should be without it, nor can any other library that serves and supports relgion collections of Western civilization."
- Catholic Library World
"These volumes are magnificent resources, and deserve to be in every Catholic library."
- Priests & People
"Here one can find everything that can be known about the many saints that crowd the daily calendar. The individual accounts are well-written and the bibliography updated."
- Prairie Messenger
Paul Burns was educated at Ampleforth College and The Queen's College, Oxford, where he gained a first class degree in modern languages. He has worked mainly in religious publishing and has translated many books and articles, mostly of liberation theology but lately venturing into poetry. He was Managing Editor of the 1995-2000 twelve volume new edition of Butler's Lives, also contributing the January and Feruary volumes. Married with four children and eight grandchildren, he lives in the West Country, where he gardens, chairs the Board of Governors of a Catholic girls' school, and paints landscapes.
640 pages
Size: 6" x 9 3/8"
Code: 2903
ISBN-13: 9780814629031
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