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The Feast of Faith: Approaches to a Theology of the Liturgy - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Are liturgy and prayer important in an age of political crisis and the technological manipulation of human life? Yes, declares Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. Genuine worship of God involves the sacred liturgy and prayer. Only if man authentically worships God will true human dignity be protected, and the principles and the power to resolve the crises of our age be found. The Feast of Faith sets out to answer one basic question: How can we pray and praise God as we should? Written before Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope, this timeless book reflects enduring and inspirational insights regarding divine worship and the sacred liturgy.
First Cardinal Ratzinger presents the basic principles for true worship of God and then considers how to apply them. When should the sacred liturgy change and when must it remain the same? What is "active participation"? What kind of music best fits the worship of God in the Mass? Should the priest celebrate Mass "facing the people" or, together with the people, "facing the Lord" How should the sacred liturgy be celebrated in our parishes today? These and other questions are carefully and thoughfully answered by a theological and spiritual master.
"Rarely have I found such enthusiasm for a book as I have for this one. No one in the Church today has a grasp of the problems of the post-conciliar Church as Cardinal Ratzinger. His focus on the liturgy and Church music in this book is governed by the one fundamental question, namely, how, under modern conditions, we can pray and join in the Church's praise of God, and how we can see and experience the salvation fo man and glory of God as a single whole."
- Monsignor Richard Schuler: President, Church Music Association of America
Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, was for over two decades The Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope John Paul II. He is the author of Spirit of the Liturgy, Salt of the Earth, Introduction to Christianity, God and the World, Milestones, Called to Communion, God Is Near Us, and many other works.
Product Code: FFP
Format: Paperback
ISBN/UPC: 9780898700565
Height: 7.9
Size: 5.2 x 0.5
Pages: 175
Publication date: April 30, 1986
Weight: 7.44 oz
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Model: FFP
ISBN: 9780898700565
Price Last Updated: May 14, 2019