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Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set

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 Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set
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Price: USD$37.95
SKU#: 433-9781932645941

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Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set​ - Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

The Matthew Study Set is essential for each participant. It includes engaging study "Questions" (with lesson summaries, home reading assignments, talk outlines, charts, diagrams, and more) and a set of suggested "Responses," which are needed for home preparation, small group discussion, and lesson reviews.

About Matthew: The King and His Kingdom
Matthew: The King and His Kingdom is an exciting study that explores the life and mission of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel. Matthew demonstrates how the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ, who establishes a New Law and inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Participants will see Jesus as the awaited Messiah who relives the life and struggles of Israel to become the faithful and victorious King. Set in the rich context of Jesus' Jewish culture, this study will help participants understand who Jesus is and what his life and teachings mean for us today. Matthew is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of Scripture taught in The Bible Timeline study. 

Your group will: See Jesus as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the new Moses, the true manna, the new Temple and learn what this means for us today.

  • Learn how Jesus reconstituted the struggling kingdom of Israel around Himself and opened the Kingdom of God to all people.
  • Witness how Christ established his Church with the Twelve Apostles, and Peter as his vicar.
  • Discover the roots of the sacraments, and see how Jesus' words and actions are reflected in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
  • Watch Jesus re-live the life and history of Israel as the obedient Son who trusts the Father, defeats hell and the grave, and rises to new life.

Matthew: The King and His Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia.
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Model: 9781932645941

Price Last Updated: Jan 31, 2023

 Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set
 Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set
 Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set
 Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set
 Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set
 Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Study Set

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 Jesus, The Master Psychologist
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