Product Description

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Altar wines are strictly controlled so they are as natural and pure as possible. There are no added preservatives, coloring or additives of any kind. Since wine is a food, opened bottles should be refrigerated or kept in a cool place for a prolonged shelf life. These wines have been approved by Most Reverand Francis A. quinn, D.D., Bishop of Sacramento, California Diocese. Altar wines come in cases of 12/750 ml bottles or 4 gal jugs/cs.
Dry Altar Wines (12% alcohol by volume)
Abbey Red bottles: A dry full bodied burgundy type red wine with a smooth appealing taste.
(22) Abbey Red bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
Abbey White wine: A chablis type wine, light medium dry, very fresh and fruity.
(33) Abbey White bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
Rose wine: A popular rose-colored wine with a light delicate fragrance, fresh with a touch of natural sweetness.
(99) Rose bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(9) Rose jugs: 1 gal, 4/cs
Haut Sauterne wine: A soft golden wine, rich with natural grape flavors.
(55) Haut Sauterne bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(5) Haute Sauterne jugs: 1 gal, 4/cs
Light Sweet Altar Wines (12% alcohol by volume)
Chateau Des Freres wine: A pale-gold color, rich and fruity bouquet, very popular.
(44) Chateau Des Freres bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
Rosato wine: A light sweet rose colored wine.
(9999) Rosato bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(999) Rosato jugs: 1 gal, 4/cs
St. Paul wine: A light, sweet red wine, garnet red in color.
(100) St. Paul bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(10) St. Paul jugs: 1 gal, 4/cs
Sweet Altar Wines (18% alcohol by volume)
Angelica wine: An extremley popular light golden wine, very fruity and flavourful.
(11) Angelica bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(1) Angelica jugs: 1 gal, 4/cs
La Salle Special wine: A golden colored wine that is sweet, rich and mellow.
(66) La Salle Special bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(6) La Salle Special jugs: 4/cs
Port wine: A ruby red wine in color, naturally sweet with a rich bouquet.
(88) Port bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(8) Port jugs: 1 gal, 4/cs
Tokay wine: An amber wine, medium sweet with a very soft flavor.
(77) Tokay bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
(7) Tokay jugs: 1 gal, 4/cs
Concord wine: A dark purple medium sweet taste
(4) Concord bottles: 750ml, 12/cs
() None
(WINEAWAY) Specially formulated altar cloth wine remover (sold each)
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Price Last Updated: Jun 24, 2015