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Devotional Journey Into the Mass - Christopher Carstens
How Mass Can Be a Time of Grace, Nourishment and Devotion. If you’re unhappy because the Mass has become for you routine – or even boring and tedious – these pages are for you. They teach you eight simple ways to make your every Mass a joyful time of piety and intense devotion. Explaining the spiritual meanings behind the signs and symbols, words and actions of the Mass, author Christopher Carstens teaches you spiritually-enriching ways to enter the church building, make the Sign of the Cross, pray the Opening Prayer, listen to the Readings, prepare your soul at the Offertory, participate in the Eucharistic Prayer, receive Communion, and even respond to the Dismissal.
Soon – with the help of author Carstens wise suggestions – you will be surprised to find each Eucharistic Celebration a fountain of peace for you, a profound refreshment for your soul. Among other things you’ll learn from these pages:
- The meaning of the “sacramental principle”: if you don’t understand it, then Mass is almost surely flat for you
- How each element of the Liturgy has a sacramental quality about it, and can be for you a grace-filled encounter with Jesus
- How to transform your prayers at Mass into a conversation with God
- Why silence – both within the liturgy and outside of it – is a necessary element of that conversation with God
- There’s a proper spiritual way to make the Sign of the Cross (do you know what it is?)
- How the Creed can be for you the highpoint of the Liturgy of the Word
- Why, during the collection, you should also explicitly offer Christ your heart
- The best way in the Mass to participate in Jesus’ saving work: do you know what it is?
- What you should desire in order to receive the Eucharist most efficaciously (and what that desire presupposes in you)
- Coming and going through the church doors: what, each time, it should mean for you spiritually
Plus, at the end of each chapter, a list of action items for the next time you go to Mass, and much, much more to awaken in you the bright spirit of joyful devotion that we are all called to have at Mass.
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781622824809
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Model: 9781622824809
Price Last Updated: Apr 20, 2018