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Image of God - Grade 1 Student Book, 2nd edition: Who Has God's Life? |
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Image of God - Grade 1 Student Book, 2nd edition: Who Has God's Life?
Image of God series second edition, Who Has God's Life? provides first grade students with an introduction to the Trinity with emphasis on the life of Jesus. Students learns about grace, what it is and does for us; become acquainted with the Apostles and beginning of the Church; the plan of salvation and the child's part in that plan. Children learn about angels, sacraments and basic prayers. The student workbook is a perform-a-text which combines text and activity in one book. Reading readiness activities - word recognition, rhyming, and simple sentence reading - using Catholic vocabulary are part of the workbook activities. Clear, comprehensive and interesting presentation of the Catholic Faith based on seven key concepts: God, Creation, Christ, Church, Grace, Sacraments and Commandments. Stories from Scripture, lives of the saints and contemporary situations give students Catholic role models and examples of living the faith. The lessons are complimented by colorful illustrations. Teacher's manuals are very detailed, thorough and full of practical ideas.
Review questions stimulate classroom dialogue and help children verbalize what they have learned
- Liturgical and Holiday lessons help children participate in the Church year. Prayer service suggestions build a spirit of community as children pray together spontaneous and formal prayers
- Living the Lesson sections relates concepts of faith to everyday living
The new Teacher's Manual includes cross-referencing to the CCC, inserted reproductions of the Student text, an appendix containing Family Notes to be sent home to simulate family discussion and activities, prayers to know, and additional worksheet that may be used as gradable material to assess students comprehension of the lessons.
Product Code: 41S2P
Format: Paperback
ISBN/UPC: 9781586173739
Height: 11
Size: 8.5 x 0.4
Pages: 68
Publication date: May 27, 2016
Weight: 14.96 oz
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Toll free: 1 (800) 663-7161 Model: 41S2P ISBN: 9781586173739 Price Last Updated: May 18, 2019
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