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Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs

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SKU#: 162-5LFM

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Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs
In the ten episodes of Part II of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we continue our walk through the story of salvation and the teachings of the Church, this time exploring the key to fully living the Faith. As we unpack the ways that we encounter God in our lives, we discover the transforming power of God's grace in the seven sacraments and consider some of the critical moral issues of our day. Ultimately, these ten episodes show us how to live a life worthy of the Gospel.

Episode 1: The Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation
Episode 2: The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Christian Life
Episode 3: Walk through the Mass: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy
Episode 4: Penance and Anointing of the Sick: God's Mercy Revealed
Episode 5: Matriomony & Holy Orders: The Sacraments of Service and Communion
Episode 6: A Catholic Moral Vision: Virtue, Grace, & the Path to Happiness
Episode 7: A Love That Lasts: Discovering Authentic Love
Episode 8: A Love That Lasts: God's Plan for Sexuality
Episode 9: Catholic Social Teaching: Building a Civilization of Love
Episode 10: Catholic Social Teaching: Protecting the Dignity of the Human Person

EPISODE 1 - The Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation (39 minutes)
The sacraments aren't simply the rituals we go through because we happen to be Catholic. They are profound moments of encounter with Jesus Christ, who imparts his life and grace to us and draws us deeper into his love through the seven sacraments.

EPISODE 2 - The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Christian Life (36 minutes)
Love desires to be near its beloved. On the night before he died, Jesus gave us the gift of his very self in the Eucharist to be the source and summit of the Christian life. He waits for us in the Blessed Sacrament, and longs to be united to us in Holy Communion.

EPISODE 3 - Walk through the Mass: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy (33 Minutes)
"The Lord be with you...And with your spirit...Thanks be to God." We might be familiar with the various prayers of the Mass, but do we understand the meaning, beauty and power of all we say and do in the liturgy?

Episode 4 - Penance and Anointing of the Sick: God's Mercy Revealed (42 minutes)
Many people wonder, "Why should I confess my sins to a priest?" But behind the human priest we must see the True High Priest at work-Jesus Christ, forgiving our sins in the Sacrament of Penance, the great sacrament of God's mercy.

Episode 5 - Matriomony & Holy Orders: The Sacraments of Service and Communion (39 minutes)
It has been said that "It takes three to get married"-husband, wife and God. Indeed, matrimony is the sacrament in which Christ gives couples the grace to love each other with his total, sacrificial love and to signify this love in the world.

EPISODE 6 - A Catholic Moral Vision: Virtue, Grace, & the Path to Happiness (44 minutes)
How do we talk about morality in a relativistic world that says, "You can have your truth. I can have my truth. But there is no the truth to which we are all accountable?" A Catholic moral vision helps us rise out of this self-centered worldview and leads us on the true path to human happiness.

EPISODE 7 - A Love That Lasts: Discovering Authentic Love (18 minutes)
Afraid. Insecure. Guarded. Fear of being alone. That's how many people feel in their romantic relationships today. But Christ offers a pathway to authentic love and the kind of relationships and marriages we most deeply long for.

EPISODE 8 - A Love That Lasts: God's Plan for Sexuality (36 minutes)
God gave us the gift of human sexuality to express the profound communion of love between husband and wife-one that reflects Christ's love, which is free, total, faithful and fruitful. Discover the beauty of the Church's teachings on love and sexuality and how they can bring fullness of life and love.

EPISODE 9 - Catholic Social Teaching: Building a Civilization of Love (18 minutes)
From the beginning of Christianity, the Gospel message has shaped the way people live-socially, economically, politically and culturally. The same Catholic tradition that gave us hospitals, universities and unprecedented care for the poor can help us build a society today in which every person has the opportunity to flourish.

EPISODE 10 #NAME? Human Person (36 minutes)
"You did it to me." These five words of Jesus remind us of our responsibility to live in solidarity with the most vulnerable in society-whether it be the poor, the suffering or the unborn. For whatever we do to the least of these, we do unto Christ.

En los 10 episodios de la Parte II de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada, continuamos nuestro recorrido a través de la historia de la salvación y de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia, esta vez explorando la clave para vivir la fe completamente. Mientras explicamos las formas en que nos encontramos con Dios en nuestras vidas, descubrimos el poder transformador de la gracia de Dios en los siete sacramentos y consideramos algunos de los temas morales críticos de nuestros días. Concretamente, estos 10 episodios nos muestran cómo vivir una vida digna del Evangelio.

1. Los Sacramentos (41 minutos)
2. La Eucaristía (38 minutos)
3. La Explicación de la Misa (35 minutos)
4. Reconciliación y Unción de los Enfermos (45 minutos)
5. Matrimonio y Orden Sacerdotal (42 minutos)
6. Una Visión Moral Católica (47 minutos)
7. Un Amor que Perdura: Descubriendo un Amor Auténtico (20 minutos)
8. Un Amor que Perdura: El Plan de Dios para la Sexualidad (37 minutos)
9. La Enseñanza Social Católica: Construyendo una Civilización de Amor (20 minutos)
10. La Enseñanza Social Católica: Protegiendo la Dignidad de la Vida Humana (37 minutos) 

Praise for Symbolon:
"Symbolon offers a complete program for adult catechesis, with written text, video and DVD, and clear instructions for leading groups of adult learners, all at the service of the beauty and truth given us in divine revelation as interpreted by the Church. The immense effort expended in creating the program will, I hope, be matched by its success in shaping minds and hearts in the Catholic faith."
- Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago

"Symbolon shows prospective Catholics and long-time Catholics not just Church teachings but the Catholic way of life-not just the what but the how of the faith. It does this with a sophisticated mix of images, sound, and text. Participants become intrigued with the Church without being overwhelmed with data. They see how doctrines and practices fit together and how they are meant to be lived out in their own lives. I've never seen a faith-formation program so well thought through as Symbolon."
- Karl Keating, President of Catholic Answers and author of Catholicism and Fundamentalism

"I've admired the Augustine Institute for years as one of the finest engines of the New Evangelization in North America, and its new RCIA/adult faith formation series, Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, is outstanding in every sense. Beautifully produced, rich in content and pleasing to watch, Symbolon is not just a great adult tool for teaching and learning the Catholic faith, but a joy to experience."
- Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia

"Pope Francis, like John Paul II and Benedict XVI, has called every Catholic to be a missionary disciple, an agent of the New Evangelization. And evangelically alert Catholics must be well-formed Catholics.This splendid series will help prepare Catholics to enter mission territory every day, offering others friendship with Jesus Christ."
- George Weigel, William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies, Ethics and Public Policy Center

"I have long been looking for a substantial program of catechesis for the RCIA, as well as for adult religious formation. The Augustine Institute's Symbolon is the answer to my prayers. This is a beautifully produced and engaging presentation of the Catholic faith. Symbolon is not only an orthodox compendium of Catholic teaching, but also one that speaks to the questions of those searching for meaning in a secularized culture. I recommend Symbolon to any bishop or pastor who is looking for help in carrying out the New Evangelization."
- Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs

"I like it! It meets the needs of an adult learner because it takes complex concepts and brings them into a practical form through visuals, discussion, and reflections, helping the learner apply it to their own life. It gives a wider view of what the Church teaches, rather than just what comes from Scripture."
- Ginny, St. Joseph Parish

"There are so many levels of the Church, it gets us back to the basics of our faith and explains them at a level we can understand. Symbolon helps us to bring the foundations of our faith into our everyday life."
- Ed and Karen, St. Joseph Parish

"The videos and guides [for the leader and participants] are really good. They are good not only for RCIA candidates, but also for anyone looking for a refresher on their faith. We want to use the videos to do ongoing training with our catechists. For instance, this fall, I want to invite all our catechists to come together and delve into the episode entitled ‘Who is Jesus?' "
- Brian Desmarais, Church of St. Mary, Tulsa, OK

"Everyone - parents, couples, older [parish] members - are all loving the richness of the videos, and what they are learning. The videos are so captivating and informative! The real key though is that parishioners can access the materials online, wherever they are at, and go deeper with them. Some of our parish moms can't make it to our Wednesday night sessions, so they are going through the sessions at home with their families. Recently, our parish's deacon came up to me and told me that he is hearing a lot of good things about Symbolon from parishioners. It is very exciting to watch it grow in our parish!"
- Belinda Minzenmayer, St. Luke, Temple, TX

"I like the way it is presented, easy to understand. It takes the basics of our Catholic faith and gets right to the point. It seems to talk to everyone; anywhere they are at with their faith."
- Francis, St. Joseph Parish

"I think Symbolon is awesome and I hope all RCIA programs will think seriously about using this program. What I like most is the way knowledgeable Catholic Scripture scholars and theologians present the material through a teaching dialogue. Also, the content of the class keeps the group focused on the truths of the faith and guides them with authentic Catholic teachings. I love the beautiful visuals presented in the videos and I like the way the presenters talk about the authenticity and beauty of our Catholic faith, along with their ability to simplify the truths of the Church's teachings. I think the format of the class provides a well balanced approach between class discussion and presentation. Great job, Augustine Institute!!!!!"
- Mary, Blessed John the XXIII Parish

"I like using Symbolon because the brief videos fit with our busy schedules. The lessons are already prepared and I can focus on the faith."
- Chris H, Parish Dad

"Every Sunday night we sit and discuss the readings. My kids remember and understand what they heard at Mass. "
- Jan P, Parish Mom

Product Code: 5LFM
Format: DVD
ISBN/UPC: 9780990414711
Height: 7.5
Size: 5.4 x 3
Publication date: July 15, 2014
Weight: 16.8 oz
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Model: 5LFM

ISBN: 9780990414711

Price Last Updated: May 17, 2019

 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs
 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs
 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs
 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs
 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs
 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part II - DVDs

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