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An Exorcist: More Stories - Fr. Gabriele Amorth
Following up his international best-selling book, An Exorcist Tells His Story, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the renowned chief exorcist of Rome, expands on some of the key topics of his previous book, covering important details about demonic or occult issues. He uses concrete examples from his own experiences and those of other exorcists to illustrate and substantiate his points. Since satanic sects, occultism, sTances, fortune-tellers and astrologers are so widespread today, Father Amorth asks the question why is it so difficult today to find an exorcist, or a priest who is an expert in this field? The example and the teaching of Christ is very clear, as is the tradition of the Church. But today's Catholics are often misinformed. Exorcisms are reserved for appointed priests, while all believers can make prayers of liberation. What is the difference? What norms must be followed? What problems are still open and unresolved in this field? The new book by Father Amorth answers these and many other questions, supporting his discourse with a rich exposition of recent facts. A valuable, practical and instructive manual for priests and lay people, on how to help many who are suffering.
Product Code: EMSP
Format: Paperback
ISBN/UPC: 9780898709179
Height: 8
Size: 5.2 x 0.6
Pages: 208
Publication date: January 28, 2002
Weight: 9.28 oz
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Model: EMSP
ISBN: 9780898709179
Price Last Updated: May 23, 2019