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Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus - Christopher S. Collins"In today's frenetic world, keeping the Lord's commandment to "pray without ceasing" has never been more challenging. Father Collins shows us how we can meet this challenge in an elegant and practical introduction to the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network. Three Moments of the Day is nourishment for the soul, a welcome companion on the journey of faith." -- Matt Malone, S.J., President & Editor in Chief, America
"Fr. Collins has written a dynamic and entertaining invitation to the Church: Let Jesus love us and heal us at the depth of our wounds. Here, in this accessible source, we can encounter the fire of the Sacred Heart, a fire of love searching for us all." --Deacon James Keating, Director of Theological Formation, Institute for Priestly Formation, Creighton University
"This simple yet profound program of three moments a day will bless all who undertake it. In this book, a rich spiritual content is conveyed in heartfelt and accessible language." --Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V., Author of The Discernment of Spirits
"In Three Moments of the Day, Fr. Collins shines Ignatian light upon praying throughout the day to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. His practical, warm, and humorous narrative draws the reader along from one profound insight to the next as we enjoy his straightforward directions for opening our hearts more fully to Our Lord. This book will touch your heart. Begin reading it today, and try to live it always." -- --Ellen Mary Raster, St. Mary's Visitation Parish, Milwaukee, WI
Rev. Christopher Collins, S.J., is the assistant to the president for mission and identity at Saint Louis University, where his research and teaching are in the areas of systematic theology and spirituality. He is the author of Three Moments of the Day and The Word Made Love. In addition, Collins has published articles in America, Review for Religious, and The New Jesuit Review. He regularly gives retreats around the country based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Collins also is the chairman of the board of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network in the United States.
Paperback: 160 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 9781594714641
Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 0.6 x 8.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces
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Model: 9781594714641
Price Last Updated: May 29, 2019