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Compendium : Catechism of the Catholic Church - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Author)
Here's a perspective from a teenager: The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a HUGE book and is therefore harder for me to approach and read. Yes, when I have a question about the faith I try and consult it, but sometimes topics are hard to find. The language used is very beautiful, but also very hard to understand. Now take this Compendium: The set up involving the question - answer format is very user friendly. It covers all the basics and important information. The language used is closer to the vernacular and therefore much easier for the every day person to read and understand. There are pictures, quotes, and prayer references. I was a bit wary when I bought it, but for the first time I have voluntarily approached the catechism just for the sake of reading it. I have been able to clearly understand things presented. Now, I understand that it doesn't replace the actual Catechism, but here's another plus: There are side notes that link the text to paragraphs in the Catechism. So when you feel ready to move on to further study you can do so. Overall it is an amazing resource for Catholics and for people interested in the faith but who are a bit wary of picking up a ten pound book. (Anna Sproull 20060601).
"It will be an essential tool for youths and young adults, and the perfect companion to a youth or young adult's Bible, spiritual reading, or textbook. Catechetical leaders in high schools, colleges, and parishes will appreciate its versatility as a reference book, discussion starter, or core resource for RCIA programs." (Crux of the News 20060612).
- Paperback: 204 pages
- Publisher: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; 1 edition (March 31, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 9781574557206
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 8.9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces
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Model: 9781574557206
Price Last Updated: Jun 3, 2019