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Homilies For Weekdays: Year II - Father Don Talafous, OSB
Looking for homily suggestions that faithfully represent the Scripture readings and offer hearers of the text practical applications for Christian life. Homilies for Weekdays, the first of two volumes by Father Don Talafous, OSB, contains creative suggestions of what a homilist might say about the daily readings for the two-year Lectionary cycle. This extensive compilation for each day is a result of Father Talafous ' many years of experience in preparing homilies. Written on both a popular and pastoral level, these homily ideas may also serve as daily reflections or meditations on the Scriptural texts for readers interested in nourishing their Christian lives with Scripture.
Looking for homily suggestions that faithfully represent the Scripture readings and offer hearers of the text practical applications for Christian life? Homilies for Weekdays, the first of two volumes by Father Don Talafous, O.S.B., contains creative suggestions of what a homilist might say about the daily readings for the two-year Lectionary cycle. This extensive compilation for each day is a result of Father Talafous many years of experience in preparing homilies. Written on both a popular and pastoral level, these homily ideas may also serve as daily reflections or meditations on the Scriptural texts for readers interested in nourishing their Christian lives with Scripture. These two volumes will be an asset in the library of anyone who is charged with the task of preparing a short and meaningful reflection on the daily Lectionary cycle. Talafous offers consistently good daily reflections and realistic suggestions and is sensitive to the social justice dimension of the Scriptures. Pastoral Music. This book, for weekdays, is doubly useful because daily commentaries are less numerous than ones for Sundays and feast-days. It is the second volume, Fr. Don Talafous, O.S.B., having already published a well-received first volume. As an alumni chaplain for Saint John's University, he understands the need for it, and how much his hearers will appreciate the short, pithy homily that is called for at a weekday service, where normally three minutes is ideal. The Downside Review. . . spiritual insights are matched with real-life experience which provides a refreshingly contemporary encounter with God's word. The text is appropriate for personal reflection or as an aid to those preaching on a daily basis.Catholic Library World. . . a treasure of short messages of hope in simpler language that moves the heart. For those who homilize regularly it is an insightful primer. For those who pray daily it offers illuminating reflections. Both will be inspired by keeping it close by. This is Father Talafous at his very best. Wayne Hergott Edina, Minnesota"
The homilies are short and to the point without being overly simple, and are wonderful ways to jog your own ideas loose for homilies. But it's not just for homilies: those who are trying to get closer to the Word each day will find these reflections useful and interesting. RCIA groups or Bible study programs could also prosper under the guidance of these words, especially as a way to better understand God in our daily lives." Crux of the News
Don Talafous, OSB, PhD, serves as alumni chaplain for Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota, and is the author of The Risk in Believing and A Word for the Day, published by Liturgical Press.
- Paperback: 232 pages
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0814630324
- ISBN-13: 9780814630327
- Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.5 x 9.1 inches
- Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces
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ISBN: 9780814630327
Price Last Updated: Jun 4, 2019