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The Ministry of Music: Singing the Paschal Mystery (3 pc) - Kathleen Harmon, S.N.D. de N.
More than just a simple guide to liturgical music, The Ministry of Music explores the acclamations, hymns, and responsorial psalm from the perspective of liturgy as ritual enactment of the paschal mystery an enactment which the music allows us to join. Harmon includes practical advice and suggestions for selecting seasonal music and helps create a paschal mystery spirituality to shape our daily lives. Begins with an Introduction and Part I, Liturgy and the Paschal Mystery. Chapters in Part II, Musical Implications and Pastoral Applications are: "Defining Liturgical Music," Singing the Acclamations, Singing the Hymns and Songs, Singing the Responsorial Psalm, Singing the Litanies, Selecting Music with the Liturgical Year in Mind, Selecting Seasonal Sets of Service Music, Selecting a Parish Music Resource. Concludes with Part III, A Paschal Mystery Spirituality for Liturgical Musicians.
"In The Ministry of Music: Singing the Paschal Mystery, Kathleen Harmon examines the musical elements proper to the contemporary Roman Catholic eucharist not only in terms of their history and function but always with a view to their ability to form the Christian assembly in its continued entrance into the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. Sound organized and usually texted becomes a vehicle for God's presence to the worshippers. Such a sacramental view of music testifies to its importance, along with the other arts that are employed in liturgical celebration. Thus, liturgical music should not be perceived simply as something mandated by the rubrics or as a pleasant diversion during the hour or so Catholics spend in church on Sunday, but rather as an element vital to authentic liturgy. After reading The Ministry of Music, one wants to encourage all faint-hearted congregants to sing out with full voice their faith in Jesus the Lord."
- Frank C. Quinn, O.P., Professor of Liturgical Theology, Aquinas Institute of Theology
"Kathleen Harmon has carefully prepared a handbook that probes the theological, liturgical, and practical hands-on issues pastoral musicians must confront in their ministry. It is a must-read for musicians, clergy, liturgists, catechists, and liturgical ministers of all descriptions, who together must diligently work to communicate its lessons to the man and woman in the pew."
- Robert J. Batastini, Vice President/Senior Editor, GIA Publications
"The Ministry of Music: Singing the Paschal Mystery is an interplay of liturgical scholarship, musical expertise, pragmatic ministry, and faithful discipleship. Kathleen Harmon provides the reader with a solid and thorough grounding in scripture and the documents and traditions of the Church, bringing their insights to bear on the daily, weekly, and seasonal realities of the life of the pastoral musician. This book will not only be a benefit but a blessing to all those who minister through music in the mission to spread the Gospel."
- Alan Hommerding, Senior Editor, World Library Publications
Kathleen Harmon, S.N.D. de N., Ph.D. is music director for programs of the Institute for Liturgical Ministry in Dayton, Ohio, the author of the Music Notes column for Liturgical Ministry, and co-author of Living Liturgy: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis for Sundays and Solemnities.
Sold 3 pc minimum
Size: 5 3/8" x 8 1/4"
104 Pages
ISBN-13: 9780814628782
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Model: 2878
ISBN: 9780814628782
Price Last Updated: Jun 5, 2021