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This is the Faith (CD-MP3) |
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Canon Francis Ripley
This is the Faith (CD-MP3): A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith. This Is The Faith MP3-CD. A complete reading of the best selling book, This Is the Faith. Originally published in 1951, the book covers the nature of God, the nature of man, the meaning of life, the nature of religion, the sources of Faith, the necessity of prayer, the duty of belief, the consequences of sin, the Commandments of God, the Holy Trinity, belief in Christ, the Redemption, the supremacy of the Pope, the Mystical Body of Christ, the Sacraments, the Mass, the priesthood, devotion to Mary and the Saints, what happens after death, the devotional life of a Catholic. A full 21 hours of reading on a single MP3-CD. Contains a treasure of knowledge about our Catholic Faith. Discover the beauty and harmony of its doctrines. Covers the seven Sacraments, the Mass, prayer, grace, salvation and much more.
21 hours
MP3-CD format
Code: 2000
ISBN-13: 9780895559753
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