Product Description

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Our beautiful 'Gloria Series' Children's Books will be treasured and passed down for generations to come. Our quality Catholic children's books are beautifully-illustrated in full-color with our exclusive 'Fratelli Bonella' art collection from Italy. These sacred images may bring back beautiful memories from childhood. Beautiful Catholic stories and instructional books written by the famous Catholic author Fr. Daniel Lord, S.J. This hardcover book set includes 12 books, 'The ABC's', 'The Our Father', 'The Hail Mary', 'The Sacred Heart of Jesus', 'The Rosary', 'The Apostles' Creed', 'The Ten Commandments', 'The Story of Mary', 'The Guardian Angels', 'The Boy Jesus', 'The Mass', 'The Holy Family', and 'Favorite Children's Prayers'. Each book has a light blue hardcover with beautiful illustrations of the subject floating on clouds. Great set to have in your classroom, school library, CCD class, children's prayer group, and children's section in church during Mass. Makes a great gift for a Baptism, Christening, Communion, Birthday, Christmas, and Easter.
Beautiful Children's Book Set Containing one each of the twelve Gloria Serices Children's Story Books. 5-1/4" x 6". 13 books.
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Model: 2446SET
Price Last Updated: Dec 3, 2022