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A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Book (Revised) - Edward Sri, S.T.D.
As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our Faith. We celebrate it every day. We know all the responses. We know all the gestures. But do we know what it all means? In A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri takes us on a unique tour of the Liturgy. Based on the revised translation of the Mass, this book explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy and explains their profound significance. This intriguing look at the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your devotion to the Eucharist. This book is used as the text for the Adult Faith Formation Program, but may also be purchased separately at steep bulk discounts. Please contact us for more information. For parishes not doing a study, this is a perfect resource for catechizing adults on the true meaning of the Mass, and why it is so central to our faith.
"Edward Sri has written a seminal work that will deepen our way of praying the Mass."
- Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago
"If you purchase just one book on the Mass this year, I would recommend Sri's."
- Eric Sammons, OSV Newsweekly
"Sri explains the biblical beauty behind everything we say and do during the mass."
- Kristan Doerfler, Houston Chronicle
Dr. Edward Sri is the provost and professor of theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute and founding leader with Curtis Martin of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). Dr. Sri holds a doctorate from teh Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He resides with his family in Littleton, Colorado.
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Model: 9781950784660
Price Last Updated: May 21, 2021