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Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook

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 Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook
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Price: USD$14.95
SKU#: 261-9780764807176

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Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook​ - Donna Pinsoneault

Answering the ever present need for a practical planning/implementation resource for those who work with parish volunteers, this book applies sound management principles to parish life and helps stimulate parishioner thinking about volunteering. Using a narrative from a fictional parish and its efforts to improve volunteerism among its membership, Attracting and Managing  olunteers shows you how to: Evaluate all the volunteer resources in a parish. Determine which volunteer will best serve in what capacity. Communicate with and motivate volunteers. Manage volunteers on inter-parish collaborative projects. Deal with the inevitable conflicts that arise. Become a stronger, smarter, more effective leader. Complete with work sheets, a resource guide, and featuring easy to read lay flat binding. Attracting and Managing Volunteers gives parish leaders and decision makers the tools to energize their volunteer programs, breathing new life into the parish community. A must have book for parish committee leaders, pastors, youth group leaders, deacons, lay ministers, members of auxiliary parish organizations, or anyone else who depends on God's volunteers for accomplishing the parish's mission in Christ.

Donna Pinsoneault has been working as a freelance writer since 1988, developing several projects, including book length training resources for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. A member of the Association for Volunteer Administration of Southeastern Wisconsin, she writes professional development articles for and edits Connections, their bi-monthly publication.

137 pages
ISBN-13: 9780764807176          

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 Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook
 Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook
 Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook
 Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook
 Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook
 Attracting and Managing Volunteers: A Parish Handbook

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