Product Description

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Maniturgium Only Without Cross - 100% Pure Linen
Maniturgium only on 100% embroidered hemstitched linen.
Gift Card Reads: On the occasion of their first mass, it is traditional that the newly ordained priest presents a gift to his parents. To his mother, he gives the Maniturgium, which was used to cleanse his hands. The Maniturgium is given to the mother, because she was the first protector of the newly ordained priest, during his time in her womb. When the newly ordained priest's mother is called home to God, she is buried holding the Maniturgium so that all in Heaven and on Earth will know that she is the mother of a priest. And on the last day when we are raised from the dead, she can present the Maniturgium to Christ the Lord and say, "My son too shared in your priesthood." To his father, the priest presents his first confessional stole. The stole is the sign of priestly office, and the priest wears it when he engages in holy things, like celebrating the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Penance. It was the father of the newly ordained priest who first taught him about justice and mercy. And like the mother of the newly ordained priest, when his father dies, he is buried holding the purple stole so that all in Heaven and on Earth will know that he was the father of a priest. And on the last day when we are raised from the dead, he can present the purple stole to Christ the Lord and say, "My son too shared in your priesthood."
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Model: 2523
Price Last Updated: Jul 20, 2024