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Prayer for Beginners

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 Prayer for Beginners
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Price: CAD$22.43
SKU#: 162-PFBP

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Prayer for Beginners​ - Peter Kreeft
Peter Kreeft brings his unique insights to this most important area of our spiritual lives. He claims he himself is still a beginner in prayer, and this book is for all those, like him, who feel that they are not good at praying but desire to become much better at it. Thus, Kreeft offers simple, but profound advice and practical steps for developing a prayer life based on the time tested wisdom of the saints and great spiritual writers, especially the principles found in Brother Lawrence's classic, The Practice of the Presence of God. In short, straight forward and unsentimental chapters, Kreeft covers all the key areas for understanding and developing that intimate form of communication with our Creator that we call prayer. He covers such areas as the necessity of prayer, various motives and methods, steps, patience, suffering, sin, faith, and grace.

"There's no shortage of good doctrinal material today. But, for the post-Boomer generations, the burning question remains: How do I begin to pray? Peter Kreeft answers that question in a simple, direct way that will reach ordinary unchurched Americans as well as devout Catholics who have hit a dry spell. This book can be a powerful tool in the new evangelization."
-Mike Aquilina, Editor, New Covenant

"This is the best short introduction to prayer I've read. Read it and pray."
-Ralph Martin, Author, Called to Holiness

Product Code: PFBP
Format: Paperback
ISBN/UPC: 9780898707755
Height: 7.2
Size: 4.7 x 0.4
Pages: 130
Publication date: February 29, 2000
Weight: 4.72 oz      

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Model: PFBP

ISBN: 9780898707755

Price Last Updated: May 14, 2019

 Prayer for Beginners
 Prayer for Beginners
 Prayer for Beginners
 Prayer for Beginners
 Prayer for Beginners
 Prayer for Beginners

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