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Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition

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SKU#: 239-9780867167238

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Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition​ - Kenneth R. Overberg, S.J.: Foreword by Bishop William A. Hughes

"The book deals with the questions of authority, magisterium, infallibility and conscience in a balanced and respectful way."
- from the Foreword by Bishop William A. Hughes

"What ought we to do?"
In Conscience and Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices, Jesuit theologian Kenneth Overberg tackles this question and the gray area surrounding ethical dilemmas by providing a readable and up to date process for coming to decisions about crucial contemporary personal and social questions. This third edition includes discussion of the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church, homosexuality, stem cell research, globalization, terrorism and preemptive war. Overberg also addresses euthanasia, artificial conception and contraception, managed care and other tough issues that confront us as individuals and as global communities.

"...a user-friendly volume to decision-making and moral issues. This book will serve inquiring Catholics by providing clear interpretations of critical concepts of moral discernment as well as an overview of the major issues shaping the debates on issues in sexual, medical and social ethics."
- Richard M. Gula, S.S., professor, moral theology, Franciscan School of Theology in the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California

"...should be in the hands of every adult Catholic and would be most useful for RCIA participants, a great resource for parish discussion groups."
- Marianne Mione, retired director of religious education

"...a helpful moral guide, sure of fundamental principles but aware of the need to remain open to the new insights into some of their ramifications, as scientific discoveries add to the store of human knowledge. I don't know of a better contemporary presentation on making moral choices."
- John J. O'Callaghan, S.J., senior chaplain and professor of ethics, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago

"...a highly readable and patorally sensitive work...dispels any idea that 'conscience' is an inner voice having to do with personal and subjective matters only. Overberg does not set down absolute conclusions, but leads the reader through a careful review of the parameters and priorities that should shape Catholic moral thinking and decisions."
- Lisa Cahill, J. Donald Monan Professor, theology department, Boston College

"Conscience in Conflict correctly identifies that Catholic morality is threatened by polarization: fear and rigidity at one end, materialism and cultural relativism at the other. The reader is challenged to 'swing the hard, sober hammer of inquiry,' always asking questions rather than acting on blind faith."
- Peg Davis, director, Family Life Office, Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Kenneth R. Overberg, S. J., is a professor of theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received a Ph.D. in Christian ethics from the University of Southern California. His books include Mercy or Murder: Euthanasia, Morality & Public Policy, Aids, Ethics & Religion: Embracing a World of Suffering and Into the Abyss of Suffering: A Catholic View. He is a frequent contributor to Catholic Update. 

160 pages
ISBN-13: 9780867167238  

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Model: 9780867167238

 Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition
 Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition
 Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition
 Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition
 Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition
 Conscience in Conflict: How to Make Moral Choices: 3rd Revised Edition

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