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First and Second Corinthians: Vol.7 (2 pc) - Maria A. Pascuzzi
This book is part of the series New Collegeville Bible Commentary. What was originally part of an ongoing dialogue between Paul and the community at Corinth has become vital in todays Christian worship. Maria A. Pascuzzi, C.S.J., helps us look at the Corinthian community through Pauls viewpoint, highlighting the struggles and issues of the Corinthian society. Pascuzzi highlights how Pauls attempt to reform this early society can be used to refocus the Christian community today a community that faces similar struggles. Pascuzzi gives the background of Corinth, its Greek and Roman inhabitants, the development of the Christian community, and the importance of Corinths location to Pauls ministry.
"Maria Pascuzzi's commentary on 1-2 Corinthians reflects and captures the dynamic of Paul's reasoning, not only because she is acquainted with ancient Greco-Roman conventions of letter writing, but also because she knows how to highlight the core of Pauls exhortation sand theology. Her presentation not only provides good information about the social, cultural and religious world of the first Christian communities, it helps us to grasp how our lives must be transformed and conformed to Christs cruciform and paradoxical itinerary."
-Joel-Noel Aletti, S.J., Dean of Studies, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, Italy
"Maria A. Pascuzzi has composed a brief one volume commentary on Pauls First and Second Corinthians for the New Collegeville Commentary series, which provides the New American Bible translation on the same pages. The comment is deliberately succinct: No footnotes, no bibliography, almost no discussions with other authors. Yet Pascuzzi appears to be thoroughly well informed concerning hypotheses on the integrity of the letters, Pauls rivals, the possible situation of the Corinthian community. She is equally up to date as to modern exegetical approaches. Her style is simple and clear, agreeably readable. In a sustained, faithful way, Pascuzzi presents Pauls reasoning and line of thought. In short, this is a reliable and excellent brief commentary for an initial and/or global study of the two letters to the Corinthians. It is to be recommended."
-Jan Lambrecht, S.J., Professor Emeritus, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium
Maria A. Pascuzzi, C.S.J., S.T.D. teaches Scripture at the University of San Diego.
Sold per 2 pc minimum
152 pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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Model: 2866
ISBN: 9780814628669
Price Last Updated: Jan 3, 2017