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Freeing Celibacy - Donald Cozzens
Mandatory celibacy for Latin rite Catholic priests has been the norm for almost 900 years. Now the clergy sexual abuse scandal and the rapidly declining number of priests have pushed many of the faithful to the point of questioning this tradition of the church. To this sometimes tense discussion of sex and power Donald Cozzens brings his signature calmness, his own gifted experience of celibate life, and his talent for distilling the spiritual truth of the human condition. Cozzens explores priestly celibacy as source of power and burden of obligation, as spiritual calling and gift of the Spirit. Putting mandatory celibacy in historic perspective, he examines the ancient and contemporary experience of married clergy in the Eastern churches and the Roman rite church. It is time, he concludes, to set celibacy free from canonical mandate to become what it is meant to be: A graced way of life for some but not all of the church's ordained ministers.
Donald Cozzens--priest, writer, and lecturer--teaches in the religious studies department at John Carroll University. He is the award winning and best selling author of The Changing Face of the Priesthood and Sacred Silence: Denial and the Crisis in the Church.
"Many have questioned whether there is sufficient connection between priesthood and celibacy to warrant the Roman Rite requirement that only celibates be ordained. Few, however have argued as cogently as Donald Cozzens for that requirement to be abandoned. As a Bishop from Oceania, a region where the requirement of celibacy for ordination leads to a continued dearth of priests for evangelization, pastoral care and regular celebration of the Mass, I am deeply grateful to Donald Cozzens for setting our so compellingly the arguments for an urgent review of the present discipline in the Roman Rite. Pastoral bishops arguing for a reconsideration of the present insistence that Roman Rite priests be celibates, will be both helped and heartened by Donald Cozzens admirable review of the ecclesial and pastoral value of mandatory celibacy. "
-Cardinal Thomas Williams Archbishop of Wellington New Zealand
"With his trademark clarity, insight and wisdom, Donald Cozzens has written the best book on the controversial topic of celibacy in many years. Certainly one of the most misunderstood practices of the Christian tradition, celibacy has been both wrongly elevated over the married life, and unfairly blamed for the sexual abuse scandals. Cozzens superb new book places celibacy in its proper historical and theological context and, in the process, shows how the healthy celibate can be not only productive, but also holy."
-James Martin. S.J. Author of My Life With the Saints
"Father Cozzens, in his usual insightful way, has given us a fresh way to look at priestly celibacy. One finishes the book with a resounding "why not?" to the issue of optional celibacy. Only a priest with his rich and varied background, as well as his understanding of celibacy through faithful service to the Church, has the authority and wisdom to write what will be the authoritative book on the subject. "
-Paul Wilkes, author of In Mysterious Ways: The Death and Life of a Parish PRiest and other books.
"Freeing Celibacy, what a marvelous double entendre! With wisdom, compassion, and passion Cozzens argues that celibacy for the diocesan clergy is "freeing"---an experience of freedom and joy---only if the church "frees" it from legalism, fear of sexuality, and lust for power, that is, only if we have the courage to let it be what is essentially is--- a gift/charism from God. This book must be mediated upon by every bishop, priest, candidate for the priesthood, and by anyone concerned about the future of the Roman Catholic Church."
-Dr. Peter C. Phan Theology Department Georgetown University Washington, DC
"Father Cozzens is correct in saying that the issue of priestly celibacy needs a full and open discussion. There is too much secrecy and misinformation about the priesthood today, and Cozzens helps by opening up the windows. Cozzens speaks from decades of experience, giving him judgment about the gifts and limitations of men in the priesthood. Here is a wise, reflective, spiritual book affirming celibacy for priests with a charism of celibacy but not demanding it of all."
-Dean R. Hoge
"This nuanced and sensitive book cries out for a serious review of mandated celibacy. With this book Father Cozzens has given a great gift to the church. Hopefully, the church will listen."
-Robert S. Bennett, Former Member, USCCB National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People
"Using part of the title of his last book, we can definitely say that Donald Cozzens dares to speak and thank God for him and his commitment to the truth. In Freeing Celibacy he explores the theology, history, and sociology of both mandated and charismatic clerical celibacy. He looks at the reality of church governance and listens to the testimony of priests and laity. He recognizes and lauds the power and grace of the genuine charism of priestly celibacy, but celibacy merely mandated yields unnecessary problems and horrors for him. He amasses his evidence in such a compelling way that even the hierarchs may hear him: Mandated celibacy is ready for repeal!"
-Andrew P. Connolly, Saint Francis de Sales Parish, Patchogue, New York
"Donald Cozzens brings a wealth of background and experience to this book a priest for forty years, a psychologist, a theologian, a former seminary rector and professor, a well known Catholic author, and a perceptive observer of the U.S. Catholic scene. As a result he makes a clear, cogent, convincing and truly Catholic case that the charism of celibacy is a gift for the church but the obligation of priestly celibacy hinders the ministry of the church today."
-Charles E. Curran, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
"Combining history, theology, pastoral experience and sincere love for the church, Freeing Celibacy is a courageous, forward-looking book that invites reflection and discussion on the role of celibacy in the life of the church. Donald Cozzens, in the clear, readable style that has distinguished his earlier writings on the priesthood, challenges the church to see celibacy in the only way that fully describes its proper meaning, namely, as a gracious gift of God freely chosen and freely lived. A must-read for all who are concerned about the continued viability of Eucharistic communities."
-William H. Shannon, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York
"Donald Cozzens' newest book is a true blessing. He concisely and persuasively argues to the clear conclusion: Charismatic celibacy will remain a great gift to the church. Mandated celibacy awaits repeal. Basing his argument on careful historical analysis and clear theological understanding of the very nature of charisms in the life of the church, he concludes hopefully that the time has come to set celibacy free. I am persuaded that those who carefully read this book will agree."
-Bishop Tom Gumbleton, Archdiocese of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan
"Freeing Celibacy is one of the clearest and most straightforward examinations of the role of obligatory celibacy in the Roman Catholic priesthood and in the life of the Church. In his characteristically low-key, even gentle fashion, Father Cozzens effectively challenges each of the traditional defenses that have been mounted in support of the discipline. The book, in effect, points its finger at a massive elephant in the Church,s living room that many still pretend not to see."
-Rev. Richard P. McBrien, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
"Cozzens discussion about Freeing Celibacy offers a very profound and balanced respect for charismatic celibacy, while laying out a clear case for a return to the early Christian community's equally healthy embrace of a married presbyterate and episcopate. He leads us through questioning John Paul II's mindset that celibacy is the pearl of great price which preferred to every other value no matter how great. From professional experience, Cozzens provides sharp insights into the dark side of imposed and legislated celibacy and the negative impact it continues to unleash on our church. While highlighting examples of true celibate commitment, Cozzens offers a clear and passionate view of men who know they have been called to priesthood, but are yoked to celibacy as a requisite for continued ministry. His comment that many priests sense that God takes no pleasure in their loneliness rings profoundly with a sense of personal experience. Cozzens concise history of theologized, mandatory celibacy provides a great and readable overview for those who would like to learn more about why it has endured. One is left wondering how we can ever have a priesthood that exhibits authenticity and credibility, or true spiritual leadership, as the norm, while our priests and bishops are kept institutionally celibate."
-C. Russell Ditzel, CORPUS, High Bridge, New Jersey
"Fr. Donald Cozzens, a respected priest, teacher, seminary rector and author argues persuasively that the charism of celibacy a gift of the Spirit, should be distinguished and released from the canonical mandate of celibacy, as a condition for ordination to the priesthood. While recognizing the great contribution of priests gifted with the charism of celibacy to the Church, he empathizes with the priests, who strive by the grace of God to live the celibate life without being blessed with the charism of celibacy. He concludes, 'the time has come to set celibacy free.'"
-Most Reverend Joseph M. Sullivan, (Ret.) Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Brooklyn, New York
128 pages
Size: 5 3/8" x 8 1/4"
Code: 3160
ISBN-13: 9780814631607
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ISBN: 9780814631607