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Benedictine Daily Prayer: Short Breviary - Maxwell E. Johnson, Editor, with the Monks of Saint John's Abbey
For those who want to grow spiritually, Benedictine Daily Prayer provides an everyday edition of the Divine Office. People who desire to pray with the church can do so in a simple manner by following this Benedictine daily prayer model. Based on solid and traditional prayer patterns of more than fifteen hundred years of liturgical prayer within the Benedictine monastic tradition, Benedictine Daily Prayer helps readers celebrate and appreciate God's presence that is found everywhere, especially within the Divine Office. It offers a richer diet of classic office hymnody, psalmody, and Scripture than shorter resources are able to provide. Benedictine Daily Prayer is designed for Benedictine Oblates, Benedictine monastics, and men and women everywhere. It's small enough to fit in a briefcase for travel. Scripture readings are from the NRSV.
Benedictine Daily prayer includes
"An Aid to Praying Benedictine Daily Prayer,"
"Monastic Calendar,"
"Sunday and Weekday Readings,"
"The Ordinary of the Liturgy of the Hours,"
"The Weekly Psalter,"
"Supplemental Psalms and Canticles for Vigils and Lauds,"
"Festival Psalter,"
"Common for Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary,"
"Common for Feasts of Apostles,"
"Common for Feasts of Martyrs,"
"Common for Feasts of Holy Men and Women,"
"Office for the Dead,"
"Proper of the Season (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, Easter, Pentecost),"
"Proper of the Saints,"
A Selection of Benedictine Prayers."
Maxwell E. Johnson, Ph.D. is an oblate of Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, and an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He is professor of liturgy at the University of Notre Dame. His articles have appeared frequently in Worship. He is the author of Living Water, Sealing Spirit, The Rites of Christian Initiation, and Between Memory and Hope, published by Liturgical Press.
"The book feels like a prayer just to hold or bring into God's presence."
-Review for Religious
"The first thing you notice is how it feels to hold. The size fits so nicely in your hand, and the soft leather-like cover invites you to open to its pages. Noting its heft, you flip to the back to check the number of pages 2,496. Instead of being intimidated by the volume, you can't wait to get to know it intimately. Open to any page, and the words jump out at you, pulling you into prayer before you have a chance to think about it. For anyone who either has or desires a deep and ordered prayer life, this book is a gem."
"To many, the interesting, and surely attractive, feature of this will be the use of the psalm scheme of the Rule of Benedict. In particular, the reductions in the variable psalmody of Lauds leaves the compiler free to encourage the daily use of Psalms 148 - 150, which will certainly give something of the flavour of Lauds according to the Rule."
-Downside Review
"It's true that the best way to pray is the way one prays best. It's true too that to pray in harmony with the whole church is prayer at its best. That has always been the hallowed tradition behind A Short Breviary initially published in 1941 by The Liturgical Press. That widely used volume is now out of print. A new expanded breviary for laity and religious has replaced the former volume that had become on of Liturgical Press's most popular books. In an attractively designed slip, the new breviary is bund in a leatherette-like cover that will wear well. Everything about it is designed to be serviceable from the five ribbons to the end pages providing the Te Deum, Te Decet Laus, Benedictus, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis."
-Prairie Messenger
"Nearly 2500 pages of the monastic prayer cycles take you through the hours, days and seasons, built on a 1500-year tradition and most insightful as the reign of Pope Benedict begins."
-Today's Books
"This breviary is very good and has long been needed by Benedictines and their Oblates. It is highly recommended."
-Curled Up With a Good Book
"Here is a rich source book which will be warmly welcomed by the steadily growing number of people of all denominations who pray the daily monastic office or offices. Beautifully and clearly set out, it is easy to use through days and seasons. While much, of course, is familiar usage many of the readings are new and striking. Here is a compilation for which many will be extremely grateful."
-Esther de Waal, Author of Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict
"Oblates of St. Benedict who are looking for a more comprehensive form of the Divine Office will find this book fulfilling that desire without being burdensome. An editor who is both an oblate and a liturgist has accomplished this fine work. People other than oblates will also benefit from its use. Years ago the Liturgical Press introduced the laity to the Divine Office with the publication of A Short Breviary. Benedictine Daily Prayer follows in that tradition."
-Brother Benet Tvedten, O.S.B., Oblate Director, Blue Cloud Abbey
"Benedictine Daily Prayer: A Short Breviary is a boon to anyone seeking a pattern of prayer, personal or public, that combines the familiar structures of the daily office with a rich variety of readings, hymns, and prayers. The format is flexible and user-friendly, making this volume an invaluable vademecum for individuals, families, or small groups. Especially welcome are the choices of the Grail inclusive language Psalm translation and the NRSV for the remaining Scripture readings. Combine these choices with a treasury of carefully selected and well-translated hymns, and you have an outstanding ecumenical resource for daily prayer."
-Nathan D. Mitchell, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame
"The monastic impulse courses through the Church, both within the monastery and beyond its walls. Benedictine Daily Prayer should find a place in the hands of everyone whatever their way or walk in life whose heart beats to the monastic rhythm of prayer and work."
-Michael Downey, Cardinal's Theologian, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Editor, The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality
Leather like cover with ribbons
2,304 pages
Size: 4 7/16" x 6 1/4"
Code: 2833
ISBN: 9780814628331
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Model: 2833
ISBN: 9780814628331