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Christian Ethics: Introduction- Bernard Hoose, Editor
Currently, there is an upsurge of interest in the study of Christian ethics, but much of what is written can appear confusing or beyond reach. In Christian Ethics, the first one volume reference to include all the main themes in fundamental and applied moral theology, Bernard Hoose puts in understandable terms the state of moral theology today. At a time when many people fear that society has lost its way morally, he helps Christians make sense of the major issues that confront us all. Written by well known ethicists in the English speaking world, Christian Ethics serves is a comprehensive work of reference for students of moral theology. Scholars will value the excellent collection of essays and the range of scholarship they represent. The educated lay reader will also benefit from its highly readable text. Part one of this book deals with the fundamental themes in moral theology, including the role of the Bible, natural law, conscience, virtue, and the feminist contribution to Christian ethics. Part two is devoted to specific areas of applied or special ethics, under the headings of social ethics, interpersonal and sexual ethics, and medical ethics.
Chapters in "Part 1:
Basic Christian Ethics" are "The Bible and Christian Ethics," by Tom Deidun; "Natural Law," by Gerard J. Hughes; "Authority and Moral Teaching in a Catholic Christian Context," by Joseph Selling; "Absolute Moral Norms," by Charles E. Curran; "Virtue Ethics," by James F. Keenan; "The Human Person," by Joseph Selling; "Conscience," by Richard M. Gula; "The Theory of the Fundamental Option and Moral Action," by Thomas R. Kopfensteiner; "Feminist Ethics," by Susan F. Parsons," and "The Distinctiveness of Christian Morality," by Vincent MacNamara.
Chapters in "Part 2: Applied Ethics" are "Justice," by Karen Lebacqz; "Property," by Timothy J. Gorringe; "Morality and Law," by Patrick Hannon; "The Punishment of Criminals," by Bernard Hoose; "Peace, Violence and War," by Richard G. Jones; "Sex, Sexuality, and Relationships," by Gareth Moore; "Divorce and Remarriage," by Kevin T. Kelly; "Truth and Lies," by Bernard Hoose; "Euthanasia," by Richard M. Gula; "Ethical Problems Arising from New Reproductive Techniques," by Joyce Poole; "Organ Transplantation," by David F. Kelly; and "Hypnosis and General Anaesthesia," by Aureliano Pacciolla.
Bernard Hoose is lecturer in Christian ethics at Heythrop College, University of London. He is a member of the advisory board of Catholic Studies in Bioethics, and of the Institute of Medical Ethics Working Party on Prolonging Life and Assisting Death.
352 pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Code: 5929
ISBN-13: 9780814659298
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ISBN: 9780814659298