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Prayer in All Things

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 Prayer in All Things
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SKU#: 229-2981

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Prayer in All Things​ - Kate E. Ritger and Michael Kwatera, O.S.B.
Witness and share in the Benedictine tradition of central Minnesota. Those who share the land of Saint Benedict's (Monastery and College) in Saint Joseph, and Saint Johns in Collegeville, invite you to experience the prayerfulness of Benedictine spirituality and community. The monastic communities, students, professors, oblates, and friends of these two campuses bring together their humble, honest Benedictine values of "Prayer and Work" and hospitality to create this collection which reaches beyond the campus grounds. Prayers are grouped under New Testament quotations, and inspiring photos invite meditation and prayerful listening. The assortment of works is as diverse as the lives of the contributors, including prayers for times of day, moments of rest, thanksgiving, and petition. This campus prayer book is perfect for college students, alumni/alumnae, professors, oblates, and anybody who feels a bond with College of Saint Benedict/Saint Johns University, or the larger Benedictine community.

Kate E. Ritger is a 2003 graduate of the College of St. Benedict with a degree in theology and secondary education. She has been active in various groups such as Youth in Theology and Ministry, Prison Ministry, BEGIN in Service, and the student Benedictine oblate program.

Fr. Michael Kwatera, O.S.B., Ph.D. is director of Oblates for Saint Johns Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota. Hes a teacher and practitioner of Christian liturgy and the author of several books, including Come to the Feast: Liturgical Ministry of, by, and for Everybody.

"Prayer in All Things is an invitation . . . to begin something and to enter into conversation with God and with each other. . . . Influenced by those who went before us, and sure to impact those who follow, Prayer in All Things is a snapshot of our wonderfully rich communities. The photographs, which set off the book's chapters, depict the natural world and our communitys sacred spaces and so tie the words to the place that inspired them."
-The Record

"Benedictine hospitality. . . has flowered in a booklet of prayer that will appeal to many who want to be more attentive to the "deep listening" and the “respectful silence that monastic community prayer promotes. . . . Among the many moving and expressive prayers, The Universal Prayer attributed to Pope Clement XI will be a happy discovery."
-Prairie Messenger

"Prayer in All Things, the campus prayer book of the two vibrant Benedictine communities in central Minnesota, illustrates and witnesses, not only to their ingenuity but also to their concerted efforts as monastics to work together towards unity, fidelity, and creativity in their Benedictine spirituality. Prayer in All Things gives a human face to the Benedictine values of Prayer, Lectio through Listening, Ministry and Hospitality.' Members of both religious communities, including their abbot and prioress, students, professors, administrators and staff, oblates, friends, donors, alumni and alumnae were invited, if so desired, to compose or share a thought or prayer for publication. It is not surprising that Prayer in All Things, supposedly an attentive listening to God with the ear of the heart, is a prayer book, not only of opposites but also of synthesis, its language frequently poetic yet at times prosaic, its imagery both verbal and visual, inspirational yet often simple and ordinary. The attempt to publish a campus-wide book of prayers and create this verbal icon of two Benedictine communities in their endeavors together to seek God in the cave of their hearts through varied forms and experiences of prayer and modes of listening is a valorous response to God’s call for transformation in a world characterized by incredible violence."
-Sister Miriam Schmitt, O.S.B., Annunciation Monastery, Bismarck, North Dakota

"This sensitive collection of prayers new and old submitted by a cross-section of the communities of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University is a treasure chest to be opened daily. Here is freshness, tradition, adaptability, and variety to suit manifold needs. Lay people, monks, nuns, saints and sinners offer us Catholic choices."
-William G. Storey, Professor Emeritus of Liturgy and Church History, The University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

"I just received the book, and wanted to express my gratitude and congratulations to the editors and contributors for a wonderful accomplishment. . . . The prayers are often thought-provoking but always comforting, with a tone of sincerity and faith that cannot be missed."
-Marny L. Benedict, Albuquerque, NM

Pages: 136
Size: 4 1/4" x 6 3/4"
Code: 2981
ISBN: 9780814629819

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Model: 2981

ISBN: 9780814629819

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 Prayer in All Things
 Prayer in All Things
 Prayer in All Things
 Prayer in All Things
 Prayer in All Things

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