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Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense

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 Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense
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SKU#: 337-709

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Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense​ - Austin Schmidt, S.J. and Joseph Perkins, A.M.

This book demonstrates that, contrary to the claims of its critics, Christianity is not a refuge of foolish emotionalism or pie-in-the-sky hopes. On the contrary, argue these authors, it's irrational not to be Christian. That's because Christianity makes sense: reason thrives within its rigorous doctrines; and inside its loving boundaries, the human intellect is most free. No wonder so many sensible men and women of all ages are converting to Christianity these days! Whether you're approaching the Christian faith from the outside or come to this book already a Christian, you'll find in these pages simple (but not simplistic), rational explanations of each of its core doctrines, including evidence and proofs that:

  • God exists - and His existence can be proven by reason.
  • God is not a force, but a personal being who loves us.
  • Evil does not disprove the existence of a good God.
  • Each individual soul was created by God and is immortal.
  • Religion is the reasonable response to the goodness of God.
  • The Christian Gospels are God's revelation of Himself to us.
  • Christ Himself was truly God, but He was also truly man.
  • Christ died on the Cross for the salvation of all mankind.
  • Christ established a Church, to which all should belong.
  • That Church still exists and has authority today.
  • And much more that shows how Christianity makes sense.

This is an excellent book for all honest inquirers . . . and for all believing Christians who want to know their faith better and to explain it to others.

Austin G. Schmidt, S.J. was a professor of education at Loyola University in Chicago.
Joseph A. Perkins, A.M. was an assistant professor of philosophy at the same university.

256 pages
Code: 709
ISBN-13: 9781928832706      

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ISBN: 9781928832706

 Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense
 Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense
 Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense
 Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense
 Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense
 Faith and Reason: Why Christianity Makes Sense

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