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The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching

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 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
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SKU#: 337-539

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The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching - Chantal Epie

Straight from Scripture: Solid proofs of Catholic teaching that non-Catholics dare not ignore. You don't have to remain silent anymore when Protestants and other non-Catholics tell you (or your kids) that Catholic teachings go against the Bible. When your Evangelical Protestant brother in law Larry visits, or Scripture quoting Fundamentalists knock on your door, reach for Chantal Epie's The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching, the comprehensive and user friendly guide that shows you where to find all the Church's major teachings in Scripture especially the ones that non-Catholics most often contradict. Epie reveals the Scriptural foundations of all the most important and most often controverted teachings of the Church: Te source of Divine Revelation, the founding of the Church by Christ Himself, His establishment of the Sacraments as means of grace, and the importance of devotion to Mary and the saints. Much more than just a list. The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching goes far beyond most Scripture guides and apologetics books for Catholics.

Instead of simply listing the pertinent Scriptures for each doctrine, Epie shows you how to use them. She illuminates each doctrine with a clear, easy to follow narrative that shows how the Scriptures support and form the foundation for the Church's teachings. In doing so, she skillfully weaves together passages from the Gospels, the Epistles of St. Paul, and the Old Testament illustrating the wonderful unity of Scripture, as well as God's loving Providence in planning from the beginning of time for the Church's flowering. That makes this book not only a valuable apologetics tool for your conversations with non-Catholics it's an enlightening refresher course in Scripture and the teachings of the Church. Use it with your kids to show them that their Catholic Faith is on firm Scriptural ground, or just read it yourself to renew your gratitude for the unity and splendor of Divine Revelation!

Are you barraged by Bible quotes from non-Catholic friends and family members who try to use the Scripture as a weapon against the Church? If so, this charitable but straight-shooting book is for you.
-Paul Thigpen, Ph.D.: Author, The Rapture Trap: A Catholic Response to End Times Fever

You'll Get Solid Scriptural Proof of These Doctrines
God's revelation comes through the Bible, Tradition, and the Church's teaching authority. The Holy Spirit guides the Church. The Church was founded on Peter, the Rock. Jesus gave Peter primacy over the other Apostles. The Apostles and their successors are ministers of Christ and shepherds of the Church. The Church has always had a hierarchical structure. The Church is the authentic interpreter of God's revelation. Infant Baptism was practiced by the first Christians Celibacy for the sake of the kingdom of God is a gift from the Spirit. The Apostles and their successors minister God's reconciliation to others. Priests perpetuate Christ's Sacrifice on the altar. Priests continue Christ's ministry. The ministerial priesthood differs from the common priesthood of the faithful. Jesus calls only men to the priesthood. The early Christians received the sacrament of Confession. Christ raised marriage to a sacrament. Mary is the Mother of God. Mary was conceived without sin. Mary is ever virgin. Mary shared in the redemptive work of Christ. Mary is Queen of Heaven Mary is the Mother of all the members of the Church. God works wonders through His saints. The saints in Heaven intercede for us. Christians honor relics of Christ and of His saints. God commanded the use of images in worship. And many, many more. 

304 pages
Code: 539
ISBN-13: 9781928832539      

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ISBN: 9781928832539

 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching
 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching

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