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A Life of Our Lord for Children

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 A Life of Our Lord for Children
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SKU#: 337-644

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A Life of Our Lord for Children​ - Marigold Hunt

Dear Children: The Gospels are four very short books that tell you about our Lord's life. You can read them quite fast. The reason the same story takes so much longer to tell in this book is that the men who wrote the Gospels just went straight on and hardly even stopped to explain anything. They couldn't be expected to know how we would live, and that we would have forgotten how people dressed and spoke and built houses, and the other customs they had in those days. So in this book, I have to stop and explain all the time, but after you've read it, the explaining will have been done, and you can start reading the Gospels yourself any time you want. So says the author of this rich retelling of the life of Christ, a tale that possesses the interest, lucidity, and dignity that marks the best of books for children.

Marigold Hunt begins with Adam and Eve and goes quickly through the Old Testament to Jesus, whom she presents simply but not trivially, so children encounter Him in His goodness, His suffering, and His majesty. Hunt speaks in words and phrases that young children understand and explains terms they may not know. She includes devotions from the Bible (such as the Magnificat, the Beatitudes, and the Canticle of Zachary) along with many of Christ's parables (which she explains). A Life of Our Lord for Children will make sense of Scripture for your children and help them be more attentive during Mass when they hear the same tales directly from the Gospels. A Life of Our Lord for Children.

Marigold Hunt was a speaker for the Catholic Evidence Guild and served for many years as advertising manager of Sheed and Ward publishing company. In addition to this book, she wrote St. Patrick's Summer, A Book of Angels, and The First Christians:
The Acts of the Apostles for Children.

200 pages
Code: 644
ISBN-13: 9781928832645      

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ISBN: 9781928832645

 A Life of Our Lord for Children
 A Life of Our Lord for Children
 A Life of Our Lord for Children
 A Life of Our Lord for Children
 A Life of Our Lord for Children
 A Life of Our Lord for Children

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 Encounters With Angels: The Invisible Companions of our Spiritual Life
Encounters With Angels: The Invisible Companions of our Spiritual Life